Flanagan Genealogy

ClanFlanagan & the Flanagan Message Board

There is no better place to go for genealogical information on Flanagan Families throughout the world, and no matter the spelling of the name:

Flanagan Family DNA Project

We are hopeful that the data collected in the Family Tree DNA Flanagan Family DNA Project may provide clues for solving the "Brick Walls" that we run into as we attempt to link the lines of our Flanagan ancestry back to their origins in Ireland. We encourage your participation. More information is available from the project co-ordinator.

Flanagan Genealogies on the Internet

We are aware of several websites which contain the genealogies of Flanagan families:

Other Genealogy Sites

We also know of several websites which catalog genealogies:

Surely, there are more.

Genealogical Tools & Resources

  • Many useful forms and blank charts can be downloaded from Ancestry.com. Ancestor Charts (pedigrees), Family Group Sheets, and many others can be found in *.pdf format.

  • It is easy to become confused when calculating the relationship between distant cousins. This Relationship Calculator could be helpful.

  • Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet The best place on the web for genealogy links.

  • Linkpendium is by far the largest directory to genealogical resources on the Web.

  • RootsWeb.com produces a free weekly newsletter, The RootsWeb Review, which contains many useful articles about exploring Genealogy.

  • Family Search, sponsored by the Church of Latter Day Saints, bills itself as, "The largest collection of free family history, family tree and genealogy records in the world."


And there is simply no better place in all the world than ClanFlanagan to achieve the full impact of being a descendant of a family named "Flanagan"!